Thursday, 14 April 2016

How To Use Facebook To Market Your Book

by Sherrie Wilkolaski

Facebook continues to grow as the marketing platform of choice for just about everything – goods, services, and causes – so it’s an obvious place for authors to consider when you start marketing your book. To get the most out of your Facebook presence here are 4 things that every author should know:

1.  Create a Fan Page

There are two types of Facebook pages – a profile page and a fan page. Profile pages are what individuals use to connect to friends, family, classmates and colleagues. Fan pages are used for promotion. They are perfect for building closer relationship with your audience and customers.

Every author should have a fan page. To set up a fan page, go to and follow the step-by-step instructions. Now that you have a Fan page you can promote your page on your website, in your ebook and in press releases. 

2.  Ask People to Like You

Your goal is to have people “Like” your page. Once someone likes your page, any updates you post to your Fan page will be visible in your stream. This keeps your fans engaged and keeps you and your books “top of mind”. This makes it more likely that next time a fan is looking for a new read, or recommending a book – you and your work will come to mind. To get your first “Likes” send a message to family and friends asking them to like your page. Ask current fans on your website to Like your page. If you are on Twitter ask your Twitter fans to Like your page. Anytime you receive media exposure make sure to mention your Facebook page.

3.  Install the Facebook App for Authors

There is a great FREE Facebook app for authors that you should install on your page. To install the app go to: It takes less than 30 seconds to get the app onto your page.

The app has these great features:

- Allows you to import your book information directly from Amazon.

- Allows your fans to buy your books with one-click.

- Allows you to offer a free chapter of your book.

- Allows you to collect email addresses from your fans so you can send email updates.

-  Allows you to highlight upcoming book signings and event you are holding.

To learn more about the app you can visit:

4.  Stay Engaged

The key to a successful Facebook page is to consistently update your page. You can decide on the frequency – at a minimum you want to post something new once a week. Your posts can be simple: something that inspired you (a picture, a quote, an interaction); an upcoming event you are holding; an update on the new book you are writing; a news article that you found interesting. It’s more important to post something than to post the perfect thing, so don’t spend too much time obsessing over what to post, rather, just put something out there.

By following these four simple steps you will be on your way to using Facebook as a successful marketing tool!

Tell us what you think about the Author App!

Tags: author app, infinity publishing, book marketing, book publicity, self publishing, self publishing companies, independent publishing, sherrie wilkolaski, facebook

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