Stop Making A Living & Start Making A Fortune
The international bestselling author Jim Rohn once made a profound statement: "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
The above quote is basically addressing how important it is to continue to self-educate yourself beyond what you have learnt from the formal setting. Formal education will take you a long way in life, but the question is "how long?" Whereas self-education uses the base of the education you received in a formal setting to make you see things in a new way. It helps you to grow and become more successful.
If you depend entirely on your formal education, it won't be too long, you'll start starving because your relevance in the marketplace will eventually nosedive to zero.
In School of Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building we teach people how to mix men, materials and money to make a fortune. Wouldn't you rather come to us and learn the 'how to'?
Registration for our Basic Entrepreneurship Development(BED) Programme is on; Lectures start May 9, 2016. You can register at the *CENTRE or send "Yes BED" to 0811-0059359.
*Main Auditorium, Rivers State Library Complex, #3, Bernard Street, Town, PH.
To Your Success,
The PMCB Team