Thursday, 11 August 2016

How Carrots and Sticks Help Achieve Goals

How Carrots and Sticks Help Achieve Goals

By Mark Reijman

WE ALL have goals. This can be losing weight, exercising, studying, quitting a bad habit or any other thing.
However, achieving these goals seems difficult. When we are tired, lazy or busy, then working towards these goals always seems to be the first things we give up on. Is there a way to fix that?

There are a few reasons why we give up so easily on these types of goals.

First, they are not easy to achieve. It requires hard work and we have a healthy distaste for hard and difficult work.

Second, these goals typically do not have a clear deadline. It does not really matter if you have lost your 10kg by November or December.

Third, there is no real penalty when you fail: it does not cost you anything (except perhaps your self-esteem).

In his book “Carrots and Sticks”, the lawyer and economist Ian Ayres shows how you can overcome these reasons for failure.
Ayres proposes to create a “commitment contract”. The contract sets a specific time horizon and a positive or negative incentive. You must also make the acceptance of the “commitment contract” publicly known, for example by telling all your friends about it.

How does our basic human nature help us achieve goals through “commitment contracts’”? Once a hard deadline is set, human accountability and responsibility kick in and you will take your goals much more seriously.
The promised incentive will appeal to your aversion of loss – either losing a future benefit or losing money – and make you work toward your goal harder.

Finally, peer pressure and your dislike of losing face by not achieving your publicly known targets will also give you extra motivation.
The incentive can be positive, for achieving your goals, or negative, for failing to achieve your goals. For example, a vacation trip when you succeed in losing weight or a sizeable charitable donation if you fail to quit a bad habit.
To make the penalty bigger without raising the amount, Ayres suggest to donate to a charity you don’t like, a so-called anti-charity! You can also enter into a contract with a friend, promising to pay each other a sizeable sum if you don’t succeed.
Of course, the key to success is to actually follow up with your incentive: only then does the carrot or stick become “real” and will you work towards your goal.

One Good Turn Deserves Another

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog.

There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.

'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman. 'You saved my son's life.'

'No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.

'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked.

'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly.

'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.' And that he did.

Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia.

What saved his life this time? Penicillin.

The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill .. His son's name?

Sir Winston Churchill.

Someone once said: What goes around comes around.

Work like you don't need the money.

Love like you've never been hurt.

Dance like nobody's watching.

Sing like nobody's listening.

Live like it's Heaven on Earth.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

The Rules Are Changing: Adaptability is Key

The Rules Are Changing: Adaptability Is The Key

The world has become so dynamic and fast-paced that you need to adjust and adapt at the same pace or you become extinct like the dinosaur.

As I wrote this piece early this morning, a flash of thought raced through my mind... Do you remember the giant NITEL(Nigerian Telecommunications Limited)? Right! The company was so big and comfortable it didn't know the GSM companies were planning its death and burial. It happened so fast NITEL didn't know what hit it.

I was so angry few days ago about what PHED did to me(forget about the details), you already know their stock-in-trade. I called their service line and told them what happened to NITEL... They rushed to my office and rendered apology. I told them the rules have changed and if they're not careful, they'll become extinct very soon. 

Jack Ma, the third richest man in China, says, "Please tell your children that the world is changing every day and no one is going to wait for you in the past." When lighter was invented, it overtook the relevance of matches. When electronic calculator came on scene, abacus faded away like smoke.

When digital camera appeared, the negative film market bowed out in shame. When internet-based selling came on board, traditional marketing caught cold and developed pneumonia.

Don't  blame "Who took over Whose business." The simple truth is: people are more adjustable and adaptable to new ideas that are convenient. Someone once asked Jack Ma: "What is your secret for success?"
"Really simple...I am doing (action) while you're only watching," he said with a smile.

Remember, the world is changing every day. If you don't change, you'll be abandoned in the dustbin of regret and frustration. It is no longer news that everyone reaps what he or she sows. That's an irrevocable law.

Anybody who spends time to drink, becomes a drunkard in the long haul.
If you spend time to complain, you become a graduate complainant at the end of the season. If you spend time to study and learn, you end up a wise person.

If you spend time to observe the trend of the global economy, you'll not end up crying out for unpaid salaries and bonuses. The truth is, there's no longer job security anywhere in the world because the rules have changed. It is only those who adjust and adapt that will survive. Be wise!

See You At The Top In 2016. #MoreGrace!

5 Steps For Overcoming Procrastination

By Michael Locklear

Millions of people struggle with completing goals and overcoming challenges due to the habit of procrastination. In fact, it's one of the most common personal issues that people seek help for. There are several reasons why people procrastinate or avoid tasks. They can range from simple, basic laziness to fear of failure, lack of confidence in your ability, or simply a strong dislike for the task at hand.

People commonly put off doing things because they don't know what to expect or what the outcome may be. They might fail, other people might laugh at them, they might look foolish, there may be a lot of stress, or any number of non-specific anxieties. We all struggle with the fear of the unknown on a daily basis. It's the way we think and our perception of things that paralyze us and keep us in a pattern of avoidance. If you believe that something is unpleasant or distasteful, or that you'll fail if you try to do it, or if you believe that you will somehow lose something, you will probably make sure you never get around to it. In most cases, this only creates high levels of stress, or brings unpleasant circumstances. When you get in touch with how much pain you feel when you procrastinate, you can begin the first step to overcoming it.

Many people procrastinate because of a lack of motivation. To fight this kind of procrastination, you can set rewards for doing these undesirable things. If exercise is difficult, try giving yourself a reward every time you go to the gym. You deserve it for having persevered. Next time, you may be just that much more motivated.

For many people, procrastination consumes major amounts of time in their daily lives. Because of this habit, they don't get things done. This results in more stress, and more frustration. In the end, procrastination makes things far more difficult than they would be if you simply completed the task. Stopping procrastination means you can avoid all the pain of the failure procrastination causes.

Other reasons why people procrastinate:

•A lack of faith in your own abilities
•Fear of trying anything new because of past failures
•Low self esteem

The goal is not associated with a reward
Procrastination is one of the most time-consuming activities one can engage in. It causes a great deal of stress and frustration. Here are five steps you can take to make overcoming procrastination simple.

Step 1: Find your direction.

Every time you procrastinate, write down the task you are avoiding and your justification for avoiding it. Keeping a record will help you understand how your attitudes are related to your procrastination. Then you can identify strategies to redirect yourself when you feel the desire to procrastinate. Always focus on the task you wish to perform and your reward when you succeed. Focusing on your reward is the most powerful way to overcome procrastination.

"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else."
-Yogi Berra

Step 2: Get focused

You can easily become overwhelmed if you try to do everything at once. Instead break your goals down into simpler tasks. Start putting them into action, one at a time. Start as soon as possible. Take time every day to work on your goals.

If you find it really hard to get started on a task, try working on it for ten minutes. This will usually help you get some momentum, and help you feel like continuing. Start with a simple task first, and be sure to visualize yourself completing the task. This will help you to focus on the goal, and the reward you will receive upon completion.

"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives."
-Tony Robbins

Step 3: Be aware of your thoughts.

The more you procrastinate, the more monumental the task becomes in your mind. Allowing limiting beliefs to control your actions becomes a parasite on your chances for success. You must confront your beliefs about yourself and the task, and face your fears.

Instead of daydreaming about your failure, and all the things that could go wrong, and how hard it's going to be, fantasize about how good you will feel having gotten the task out the way, how confident you'll feel when you complete it successfully, and how confident you will be about your ability to do the next thing. Keep your focus positive, and this will build a new attitude that will overcome all your limited beliefs, and defeat procrastination.

Learn how to separate your anxious thoughts from your realistic thoughts. Imagine the worst-case scenario. Then, make a plan to get back on your feet if the worst should happen. Chances are you would recover relatively quickly, and resume your normal life.

"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us."
-John N. Mitchell

Step 4: Build your tolerance to negative emotions.

Fear and stress are normal. They come from being uncertain, or feeling threatened in some way. Most of the time they're just feelings, and there is no real danger. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to continue in spite of it. Courage is required to overcome procrastination.

When you persist in pursuing your goals, you build up your tolerance for stress and anxiety . In time you will feel more confident, more capable, and far less stress and overwhelm. When you don't fear the feelings of anxiety , you will procrastinate less.

Meditation is a powerful way to build your resistance to negative emotions. Major universities all over the world have found that it reduces stress and anxiety , elevates your mood, and improves your ability to focus.

Step 5: Take command of yourself.

Success always means going outside of your comfort zone. No matter how unpleasant the results of procrastination, the habit remains part of your comfort zone. One very important first step is to stop complaining about what you have to do. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, and complaining only drains away your will to succeed.

Focus your mind on all of the benefits you will receive from being successful in whatever you need to do. Keep your mind focused on how wonderful you're going to feel and all of the wonderful things that are going to happen to you when you are successful.

"Self-command is the main discipline."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Overcoming procrastination is not as hard as you might think. Once you take these five steps for overcoming procrastination, your fears and anxieties will melt away, and you will experience the many benefits of being in control of your life.

Christianity is about Advancement


Christianity Is About Advancement!

It's better to look ahead and prepare to succeed than to look back and stagnate in regret.
Looking ahead is one of the most difficult concepts for humans to grasp as we advance in this journey we call "Life." Little do we realize that when we look back, we slow ourselves down from progressing forward and achieving the ultimate God created us to possess.

Try something for me: Just stand up erect and look ahead for about five seconds. Now quickly turn your head backwards, and without turning it forward, try taking ten steps forward. It is most likely you were obstructed by something in your path that you weren't able to see because you weren't looking forward, right? Now apply this exercise to your everyday life. You have to look straight ahead to properly advance in life to have complete dominion over your environment.

It is a basic truth of life that we all have memories of the past, and sometimes it is hard to move on from the good times or bad times we had, but remember that looking backwards all the time while trying to move forward will only stop you from maneuvering the challenges in your life correctly. You cannot pursue and recover your loses by looking back.

The songwriter says, "I'm pressing on, the upward way. New heights I'm gaining everyday..." Christianity is about advancement; getting better everyday in our calling and gaining New Heights.

If our lives are not better now than they used to be last year, then our Christianity is questionable. The negative global economic indices hasn't the potency to short-circuit our prosperity because we're children of Zion. We must press on to gain New Heights.

Our spiritual life, marital life, business life, academic life...should all move upward to attract the best God has positioned us to possess. Did you know that even in Egypt there was Goshen? The people of God were still blessed because they were "bullet-proof" from all negative happenings. That's complete advancement!

This Is Your Week: Receive abundant grace to deliver the best and become better in every area of your life in Jesus' Mighty Name.

Have A Great Week!

See You At The Top In 2016. #MoreGrace!