Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Employee Mentality

I'm very sure I will draw the wrath of so many people after they've read this piece. However, it is also going to heal so many people of the virus called "Employee-mentality."

Who's an employee? There are several definitions of who an employee is. However, my definition is: A person who has decided to mortgage his future by working for another person; whether he or she likes the condition of service or not. Being an employee trains you to be an exact opposite of an entrepreneur. In fact, the employee works for the entrepreneur. And may do so perpetually to their detriment.

How do people become employees? First, it is a thing of the mind before it physically manifests. You go to school and learn to be good. You do as you're told, and get a good job. When you've got the good job, you're taught from day one to follow instructions, get better at your job, and never question authority. In fact, it is the entrepreneur that sets the rules.

Unfortunately for most people, the time they spend as an employee is wasted because they're not proactive. They think the thoughts of other people and spend the rest of their lives in a dormant mentality mold. No matter what happens, they're sure their salaries will be paid.

Employees have the perception that if anyone notices that you're changing the rules, you're fired. The rules must be followed even if they're obsolete and have stopped working. This is very true in some government positions and major corporations. The other assumption that goes with this kind of mentality is even more worrisome, even though it may have been partially true in the past. The assumption is that the time spent in a position brings about pay increases and promotions. However, most times the employee uses the pay increase to buy liabilities that become worthless in the near future.

The employee mentality makes people to continually work harder, put longer hours, and getting more and more specialized. They strive to learn more and more about their jobs, they get better and better at their work, and very often, they move from one company to another, or from one position to another. Sure, they may get salary increases all the time, but they usually spend more than they earn throughout the entire period. That's the effect of the employee-mentality virus.

The major assumption that employees make is that the higher the income, the closer they get to being wealthy. Pure foul! Nothing could be further from the truth. For most employees, a bigger paycheque just get them deeper and deeper in debt because of their inordinate borrowing capacity.

Finally, they get retired at old age. Can you guess what happens next? They retire broke! By that time, the employee-mentality virus has eaten up their immune system and they die before their time. Case closed!

If you're an employee, Think Wisely! The next batch of trainees at School of Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building starts lectures on July 04, 2016. Join us and bulletproof your future from economic depression.

Have A Great Weekend!

To Your Ultimate Success,

The PMCB Team

Sunday, 19 June 2016

3 Keys To Creating Lasting Success

I welcome you to a new and gracious week filled with the blessings of God. As I wrote this piece early this morning, I became convinced that so many people are already on the road to abandoning their goals for 2016.

For people in that category, the economy has already dealt them a severe blow under the belt and their recovery is impossible. There is no longer strength in their confession to push them through the difficult terrain of economic strangulation.

However, I've come up with 3 key steps they can try before they finally throw in the towel and accept defeat. They're important to having a successful life. Don't take my word for it but remember, nothing works until you work it. Faith needs action to prove its superiority over doubt. So take ACTION.

1. Raise Your Standards
Any time you're serious about making a change and have lasting success, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards.

I love change because nothing actually grows without change. My life changed the day I decided to raise my standards. I wrote down all the things I would no longer tolerate in my life, all the things I would no longer accept, and all the things that I aspired to becoming. Your guess is right: I'm on my way to achieving my goals for 2016. Positive things are happening to me.

Pause and think of the far-reaching and impactful consequences set in motion by men and women who raised their standards and acted in line with them, deciding they would no longer tolerate anything less. History chronicles the inspiring examples of people like, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, and many others who took the amazing powerful steps of raising their standards. The same power that was available to them is available to you, if you have the courage and tenacity to claim it.

2. Change Your Limiting Beliefs
Our beliefs set the tone and the direction of our lives. If you raise your standards but don't believe you can meet them, you've already sabotaged yourself. Our beliefs operate like unquestioned commands, informing us how things are, what's possible and what's impossible, what we can and cannot do. They shape every action, every thought, and every feeling that we experience. As a result, changing our belief systems is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives. We must develop a sense of certainty that we can and will meet the new standards before we actually do.

3. Change Your Strategy
In order to keep your commitment, you need the best strategies for achieving results. One of my core beliefs is that if you set a higher standard, and you can program yourself to believe it, you can definitely discover the best strategies to accomplish the standard you've set.

Don't be afraid of what will happen or what will not happen. Trust in God, do your own part and believe that in the end everything will work in your favour.

This Is Your Day: God didn't keep you alive today with the intention to abandon you. Cheer up and celebrate your victory in advance.

You shall succeed!

Sunday, 12 June 2016

The Great Confession

The Great Confession

Christianity is called "The Great Confession." Confession is affirming something that we believe; our core beliefs. It is testifying of something that we know. It is witnessing for a truth that we have embraced.

Confession holds a very large place in Christianity and Hebrews 4:14 confirms it by saying "that we should hold fast to our confession(profession). However, so many Christians start and end their day with negative confession. Jesus never did so. What you confess or profess, you become. That's an irrevocable law. It will never respect your religious title.

The reason the faith of many Christians never works for them is because they don't confess what God says they are. Remember, your faith can never grow beyond your confession. Your daily confession of who God is to you, what Jesus is capable of doing in your life now by the power of the Holy Spirit are the ingredients you need for a triumphant Christian life.

This Is Your Week: Your seed for greatness comes from your daily confession. Mind what you say.

See You At The Top in 2016. #MoreGrace!