Friday, 13 May 2016

What Motivates True Leaders?

By: Ryan May

The term "leader" has been used almost to the point of over-saturation, now branding anyone who serves in a leadership role. But there is far more involved in being a leader than simply holding a title.

The varied examples of leadership are many, ranging from the Fortune 500 to Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For. Though both lists contain highly successful companies, there is a often a noticeable difference in the way they're run, with one focused on a more traditional model of profitability (driven toward the bottom line) while the other seeks to provide a more modern approach to business, with leaders that strive to bring out the best in their employees, a process that in turn enables those people to contribute to the organisation more creatively - contributions that in themselves drive the success of the venture.

And this process starts at the top.

>Defining a Leader

There are a limitless number of ways to describe the attributes of a true leader.

However, taking into account the new focus on employee-centric companies mentioned above, leaders in these organisations are driven by what they can do for other people and, as such, often possess the following traits:
Readily willing to listen and make decisions based on a diverse range of views

•Acts as a guide or a coach, as opposed to those who dictate

•Provides credit for success to subordinates (rather than accepting it for themselves)

•Enables and empowers by providing free reign on business functions

•Enlightens people through development and education, whether based on the leader's personal experience or outside resources

•Inspires others through a level of personal belief in the business venture

•Motivates people through positive reinforcement and rewards

•Leads by example

•Serves people, looking out for their best interest

>Serving Others Through Empowerment

The above mentioned traits have one thing at their center: people.

And it's this focus on people that seems to motivate many of the most successful leaders, from athletic coaches to business entrepreneurs. Often possessing an innate ability to see in others what those people may not see in themselves, the true leader cultivates the best in people and genuinely wants to see them succeed.

Also viewed as a mentor, the true leader delivers empowerment by providing resources, enabling others to realize options and possibilities they hadn't thought of through exposure to external or internal education and development. Within this scenario, the leader is motivated to liberate subordinates rather than control them, thereby generating a more collaborative environment that leads to innovation, competitive edge and overall success.

Though this approach is impractical for military or law enforcement, where following the orders of an authoritarian leader is necessary due to the often confidential nature of information, on the whole, true leaders in the civilian world strive to help others learn, grow and develop by freeing them from the limitations that hold them back.

In doing so, these individuals inspire a natural state of loyalty that, as seen in the 100 Best Companies to Work For cited above, leads to unquestionable success.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

You Don't Have to Be Born a Leader to Make a Great One

Are leaders born or made? From business school courses devoted to the topic to books and articles to many a thought leader’s opinion—this question has been debated for a very long time.

We’re all familiar with individuals who are clearly born leaders—whether they’re a part of our local community or someone we read about in the news. People like Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy and Nelson Mandela are examples of individuals thought to be born leaders. When you stop and examine it further, many of the traits attributed to “born” leaders are related to things like being a visionary, having extraordinary courage, being decisive and having a positive personality—but these aren’t the only characteristics that hold weight. Learned traits—like being able to clearly communicate your vision and having emotional intelligence—are also powerful components in the making of a leader.

And it’s the leaders who are made that we often don’t hear much about—the folks who have made a commitment to honing their leadership skills through life-learning experiences, and personal and professional development. Some rise to the occasion out of necessity, becoming leaders because they care too much about their company not to.

As a small business owner, do you think of yourself as a leader? Do you dread or avoid the thought because when you started, you just wanted to own a business, not lead it? For most owners, thinking of themselves as a leader is uncomfortable and occasionally even impossible. In some cases, you may not even be aware of the gaps in your leadership skills. For example, if you’re not clear about your brand, then your employees won’t know how to market your business. Your decisions—everything from deciding to try a new piece of technology to avoiding uncomfortable confrontations with employees—influence each thing about your business. Yet, when you become aware of the impact, you’re more likely to improve and grow.

If you’re struggling with leadership, stop and ask yourself:

>Do you enjoy and embrace your leadership role? Do you remember why you started your business in the first place?

•It’s important to clearly define what you do and why you do it.

•Your passion is the foundation for inhabiting your role as a leader, regardless of what business you’re in or how many people work for you.

•The outcome of digging deep inside will be your own personal purpose statement—it’s all about what’s true for you.

>Do you have a vision for where you’re leading your team?

•In order to lead, you need to have a clearly written picture of your company’s future.

•Your vision will be the target you aim for and a means of motivation for your employees.

>How well do you communicate? Are your employees familiar with your company values?

•Having a clear set of values allows your people to “buy-in” more easily.

•Leaders who invest in their culture, clarify what’s meaningful for them and help their people grow, enjoy higher profits, steady growth and sustainability.

The answers to these question are at the very core of leadership. You may not know it, but this work is your responsibility and in your job description as the business owner and company leader. Although it may take you out of your comfort zone, it will bring you to a new place—one with a clear direction, one with passion and one where your employees feel a culture of ownership within themselves. As we like to say at PMCB, that’s leading.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Are Your Beliefs Serving You or Limiting You?


Are Your Beliefs Serving You Or Limiting You?

Did you know that if you move a goldfish from a small fishbowl in your home and take it to a river - it will still continue to swim in the same small circle it used to when in the bowl?  Why is the pattern the same?  Because it has accepted the belief that if it swims farther, it's going to bump its nose on the wall and that's a very painful exercise. It has always done it this way, swimming in circles. Any other way is "dangerous or impossible."

When you question your beliefs - you question your limitations.  If your beliefs serve you - they can withstand any scrutiny, obstacle or frustration.  If they don't survive the questioning - it is time to drop them and replace them with beliefs that serve you.

For instance, if you have the belief that you need money to make money, it will be very hard for you to succeed in business in a nosediving economy. This single belief pattern will hinder you from getting out of debt. It will create so many obstacles in your way to succeed.

If I believed it takes money to make money, School of Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building would still be on the drawing board.

Like the goldfish that has been freed to swim in the river, you still think you are limited. Your limitation is set by your beliefs. This factor alone makes so many people never to achieve their purpose in life.

The question in the mind of so many people is, "How can I tell for sure what I believe is true or not?" This is not rocket science. The simple question to ask is:
"Does this belief serve me or limit me. I'm I getting better believing this way?"

It doesn't matter whether your beliefs are "true" or "false."  What matters most is, are they moving you TOWARD or AWAY from what you want to make your life better? If they don't serve you, it is high time you replaced them with beliefs that will make you achieve your goals.

To Your Success!

The PMCB Team